Digital Factory™ let's your customers share their products on Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and Tumbler as a means to hep you generate site traffic and promote your business. While Twitter, Pintrest and Tumbler do not require any special action on your part, Facebook does.
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In order to have the Facebook icon show up you must create and authorize a Facebook App. We've provided this set of instructions to help you however; Facebook may change their system from time to time and you may need to ask someone to help you do's not hard but there are certain things you must do.
1.) Visit
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2.) Sign in using your Facebook account...the one that also has ownership to your Facebook Fan Page.
3.) Click on the My apps menu link
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4.) Click on the Add New App button in the upper right.
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5.) Choose www in order to authorize the app
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6.) Choose Skip and Create an APP ID in the upper right corner.
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7.) Configure your app by naming it, giving it something descriptive like My Digital Factory app
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8.) Make sure test is set to no.
9.) Choose a category...which one is not very important but choose one related to your business.
10. ) Click create app ID.
11.) Copy the APP ID and paste it into your Digital Factory Control panel like below and click save.
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That's all
Now your customizer will send your customers posts to their facebook wall and friends directly back to you company website or page.